As little as each santan flower may seem, when bunched up they compose a bigger flower. So as each little kindness we do, when taken as a whole makes the world a better place to live in.
The pink santan flowers are lovingly dedicated to Emcee, one of my dearest blogging sisters. Despite us not seeing and knowing each other, she has touched my life with her sweetness. Happy birthday, sis! ^^
PS. I would also like to congratulate my twin sis blogger Enday (we also don't know each other actually) for getting the Idol Blog this week. Yay! Go, kambal! ^^
PS2. Sorry, but I was busy for the past few days, thus I haven't had the time to update. Will also need to re-post most of the entries for the new layout. Sheesh, lots of work, so little time. Hehe.
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